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6 Ways In Which Microsoft Windows Vista Secures Your Pc

Microsoft Windows Vista

Global reach and the information highway have changed the way individuals and businesses function. Computerization, the World Wide Web, and B2B and P2P applications have added a zing to business activities. The reach has grown beyond physical confines and boundaries to embrace the world.

In the fast paced world of business what causes grave concerns in security. With the use of computers and links to cyber space corporate crime is at an all time high and

1. High level security. Most companies spend thousands of dollars in securing their business data as with the advent of the World Wide Web cyber thievery is at an all time high. Vista is designed to provide multiple layers of protection. It will protect the business from external attacks and there are ways in which crucial information and data can be protected by creating a fortress of authorized access.

2. Back ups are automated and files can be recovered easily. So, if any information is inadvertently deleted it can be recovered.

3. Since the cyber highway is where security is lax and threats exist, Vista has Windows Internet Explorer 7. This is very advanced and provides great amounts of browser security and grants privacy protection. So while your employees can browse the World Wide Web for business related purposes thieves will not gain ready access to your company systems.

4. The Windows defender program has been integrated into Vista to protect your business system from malicious soft wear.

5. Wireless networking systems are secured by Vista such that employees can connect to multiple networks simultaneously without any trouble. It has a secure wireless networking protocol and Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2).

6. Internal threats are averted as Vista ensures that data is kept secure and confidential by encryption, assigning a high level of protection, and selective authorization of removing of storage devices like USB and flash memory drives.

Vista has been developed keeping in mind the threats being posed to computer users today. And, a new version of Windows Firewall has been developed to protect computers from inbound and outbound traffic threats. The UAC or user account control has been under continuous revamping and takes into consideration serious criticisms made throughout Vista development by techies on the Vista watch.


Paul Thurrott who has been monitoring Vista since the very start has written glowing reviews of Vista security features, the integrated anti-spyware product , Windows Defender, security improvements to IE7, parental controls, and more.

Security enhancements in Vista are more than welcome and users both business and individual are looking forward to the release of the final Vista package.